Sunday, March 8, 2009


Competed at the provincial championships today.  There were two other parent teams there.  One was huge, they must have 50 people out there!  And a lot of them are pretty obviously people who used to cheer in university or at all-star Open levels, because they've got all sorts of tumbling and stunts going on.  The other team was more like us, they had a couple of folks with their back hand-spring (we only have one, so far), and the funny thing was that the women actually wore outfits with the cute little skirts!  After all my explaining to my daughter that grown-ups don't wear those things.  Oh, well.

We did pretty well, a couple of little bobbles but everything went up that was supposed to, and came down when it was supposed to (and not before).  It was a lot of fun, finally felt like we had done as well as we can do.