Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Uh-oh. I think I've found a new guilty pleasure.

You have to understand, I don't watch TV. The last series I followed was Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and it's been off the air for seven years. Between work and finishing up my second master's degree and ferrying my daughter to Girl Guides and youth group at church and cheer practice or dance practice or piano lessons or whatever she was doing that year, TV just has not been a priority.

But as I read the newspaper this morning, the review of "Hellcats" caught my eye. A cheerleading drama on the CW (same network that brought us Buffy for several years). Hmmm.

One review I read called it "Bring It On" from Missy's perspective. Not a bad take; a farmer gymnast who needs money to continue her pre-law university education tries out for a spot on a squad that comes with a full scholarship to replace a regular member who's been injured. Wackiness ensures. You gotta know, although I'd loved watching cheerleading in high school and on ESPN broadcasts of competitions, it was "Bring It On" that really hooked me on this sport.

So I watched it (well, the last 40 minutes after I got home from my meting and got the offspring to bed). It was silly and trite and I so don't have time. I'm afraid I might be hooked.

On the other hand, it was inspirational enough to have me doing squats and tricep dips in the commercials. That's gotta be a good thing, right?


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